Default blocking policy for DHCP clients?

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Default blocking policy for DHCP clients?

Postby mingcha » Fri Aug 26, 2016 7:29 am

The network is setup with DHCP enabled on the router because there are notebooks and phones that also connects to the wireless network.

My problem is when the Device IP changes it goes over the license limit from time to time and I have to go in and removed devices that is not online anymore.

I have tried using the mac binding ip management option but when I enabled this most of the users loses access to the internet. Not sure if I am using this option in the correct manner.

My other problem is every time a new device then gets added it defaults to the default policy which allow all connections.

Is there a way that I can set the default to the custom blocking policy that I have setup?

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Default blocking policy for DHCP clients?

Postby imfirewall » Fri Aug 26, 2016 7:34 am

"IP-MAC Binding" of WFilter can not work alone, if a client ip address is changed, it will be blocked.


1. I would recommend to setup your DHCP server to assign static ip addresses to clients. So the IP addresses won't be changed.

2. Use "By MAC address" monitoring mode. You can set the monitoring mode in "System Settings"->"Monitoring Settings". However, the mode won't work in multiple-segment networks. Please check:

Please note that changing monitoring mode will flush the client list.

3. To set default blocking policy, please check "User-device list"->"Default IP Policy". Here, you can set a default policy for new detected devices.

In your case, you're recommended to check solution 1 and 2.

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