Customizing the Wfilter denial page and tried to add an image of the customer's logo. What is the correct http:// reference to add an image into the denial page and where on the hard drive should the image be copied to?
Denial page Image URL
i.e.: http://locahost:9090/www/image/newimage.jpg
And where on the hard drive to place the customer's logo image, C:Program FilesIMfirewallWfilterwwwimagenewimage.jpg?
Tried a variety of combination's and my best guesses do not work!
Customizing the Wfilter denial page to add an image of customer's logo
Moderators: imfirewall, gengw2000
Customizing the Wfilter denial page to add an image of customer's logo
IMFirewall Software provides solutions for web content filtering software, business internet filtering software, business internet usage monitoring software.
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