Alert email does not work
error: 553 wfilterd.local does not exist
WFilter Alert email doesn't work.
Moderators: imfirewall, gengw2000
WFilter Alert email doesn't work.
The default alert email sender is "noreply@wfilterd.local". It seems your SMTP server checks the existence of email sender, that's why the alert email is blocked.
For current version of WFilter, you need to fix it manually.
Please follow below steps:
1. Open "www/images/local.txt" with notepad in WFilter directory.
2. Find "noreply@wfilterd.local" and replace it to your email sender.
3. Save the file.
4. Done. Now you can check it by sending a test email again.
For current version of WFilter, you need to fix it manually.
Please follow below steps:
1. Open "www/images/local.txt" with notepad in WFilter directory.
2. Find "noreply@wfilterd.local" and replace it to your email sender.
3. Save the file.
4. Done. Now you can check it by sending a test email again.
IMFirewall Software provides solutions for web content filtering software, business internet filtering software, business internet usage monitoring software.
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