How to block adult porn websites?

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Moderators: imfirewall, gengw2000

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Joined: Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:56 pm

How to block adult porn websites?

Postby Leon » Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:12 pm

Our customer is facing the following issues:

1. Porn site listed in Adult category is still accessible, even we had block the user from accessing

2. Porn site listed in Uncategorized, is there any way to overcome it?

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How to block adult porn websites?

Postby gengw2000 » Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:37 pm

About the porn sites in Adult category, I tested it in our lab sucessfully.

Some possiblities about your issue:

1). WFilter settings problem. Are the "blocking level" and "Web Access Rule" properly configured? Could it be possible that this user had visited the websites out of the blocking time period?

2). Blocking is not so efficient. If you're monitoring more than 100 computers. We recommend you to use two NICs( one for monitoring, another for blocking), otherwise the blocking will not be so efficient.

About the "Uncategorized" adult websites, we know that there are many "uncategorized" websites in our url database, actually our team is still working on it for improvement.

By now, you can enable "Url Keywords Filtering" to filter websites by certain keywords. For example, you can add "sex, girls, porn" to the keywords list for blocking. The "Url Keywords Filtering" is also effective to block certain sites.

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