Monitoring of Lotus Notes Emails

General discussion about WFilter ICF features, problems, configuration issues etc.

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Monitoring of Lotus Notes Emails

Postby hidgroup » Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:32 am

Dear technical team,

I sending this mail "FLAT MIND IT SOLUTIONS " we are using lotus notes. But I am unable to monitor lotus notes chat logs.

Could you please help me? and provide me the screen shots.

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Monitoring of Lotus Notes Emails

Postby gengw2000 » Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:55 am

You only need to install WFilter in a correct place, it will automatic record LotusNotes emails.

Please notice, since most LotusNotes server is in local network, you need to:

1). Mirror the email server traffic to WFilter.

2). Add the email server's ip address into "Local Servers" of WFilter.

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