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Problem of exporting chinese records

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 2:31 am
by lzj_6660
My WFilter server system is windows xp in English.

Now I can query chinese web surf records in WFilter console.

But if I export the records into csv format, chinese words are unreadable. (become ???)

Problem of exporting chinese records

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 2:55 am
by imfirewall
In WFilter console, the default character is utf-8, so it can display non-english languages. However, when exporting, records will be converted into system default language in ansi encoding. For correct converting, you need to change the default windows system language.

Please check below steps to change system default language:

1. Open "Control Panel"->"Regional and Language Options"

2. Select Chinese(PRC) and apply all settings to current user account

3. reboot your computer

Attached files