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WFilter not detecting Lan Cards on Windows server 2008 64 bit

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:07 pm
by wakhan

I am installing WFILTER on WIndows Server 2008 X64 bit. But Wfilter is not detecting my LANS cards, in Monitoring settings LAN cards option is Unavailable Adapter.

My server is HPDL180G6 and Lan Card drivers are properly installed.

Please help.


Waqas Ahmed

Network Engineer

WFilter not detecting Lan Cards on Windows server 2008 64 bit

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 6:18 pm
by admin

Windows7 64bit is not supported by WFilter yet. We will get it supported in recent weeks.

By now, I recommend you to install WFilter in 32 bit windows7 or 32bit/64bit for win2003/xp.

I will let you know when windows7 64bit is supported.