Why do I need to block UDP ports 1024-65534?

General discussion about WFilter ICF features, problems, configuration issues etc.

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Why do I need to block UDP ports 1024-65534?

Postby garcia » Wed May 12, 2010 7:28 pm

Can you please explain the following:

Please also block UDP ports 1024-65534 in your router.

Do I have to block these ports it to work? Blocks are only working on some people computers

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Why do I need to block UDP ports 1024-65534?

Postby admin » Wed May 12, 2010 7:38 pm

WFilter does monitoring and filtering on a mirroring port. It only handle copy of the packets. This is called as "Passby filtering". In "Passby filtering", only TCP connections can be blocked.

Most protocols use TCP for communication. However, UDP is also used for "P2P", "VOIP" and some messengers. Therefore, for completely blocking of some protocols, you also need to block certain UDP ports in your router or firewall.

Since there has so many UDP ports to be blocked, we recommend you to block UDP ports 1024-65534 as a simple solution. And blocking of these udp ports will not affect your normal internet access.

Without blocking of certain udp ports, it will have some influences as described below:

1. Some messengers can not be blocked. (eg: QQ, teamspeak)

2. Some P2P programs can not be completely blocked. (eg: bittorrent, emule)

You also need to block certain protocols in WFilter for completely blocking, even if you have blocked the UDP ports. Some protocols are extremely complicated, they can switch between TCP and UDP, using a wide range of dynamic ports.

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Why do I need to block UDP ports 1024-65534?

Postby gengw2000 » Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:19 am

In WFilter 4.0 version, a new deployment mode "pass-through mode" is supported. In "pass-through mode" you don't need to block certain udp ports. Please check: http://www.imfirewall.us/help/doc/WFilter_deployment_mode.htm

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Why do I need to block UDP ports 1024 65534

Postby Michaelvurneads » Fri Mar 31, 2017 2:33 am

Can i ask you one thing.

Why Colgate Need Advertisement on TV.

If you can give this answer than you also get your answer.


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